RESEARCH Melissa Macomber RESEARCH Melissa Macomber

IN PLAIN ENGLISH: Communication and Parental Infidelity: A Qualitative Analysis of How Adult Children Cope in a Topic-Avoidant Environment

This study tackles the question of topic avoidance in families coping with parent infidelity. While topic avoidance is common in families, even the perception of it can lead to unhappiness. If families are unable to put traumatic events into words over time this leads to suppression, rumination, and health issues.

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RESEARCH Melissa Macomber RESEARCH Melissa Macomber

IN PLAIN ENGLISH: Effects of Parental Infidelity on Adult Children’s Relational Ethics With Their Partners: A Contextual Perspective

This article describes a few factors that make it more likely that women who grow up with cheating fathers will cheat on their own romantic partners. Specifically, this article points to how parent infidelity may leave long-lasting misconceptions of trust and loyalty in romantic relationships.

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RESEARCH Melissa Macomber RESEARCH Melissa Macomber

IN PLAIN ENGLISH: Parental Infidelity: Adult Children’s Attributions for Parents’ Extramarital Relationships

This study gives language to how children understand why a parent affair happened. Children often see the reasons behind cheating as much more nuanced than they are given credit for, citing not only individual behavior but also historical or community circumstances. Parents do not need to be so afraid of admitting their infidelity to their children.

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