My career has been long and varied.

Right now, I am writing about the effects of parental infidelity on children

What qualifies me to do this?

I have a Master’s of Science in Social Work from the Columbia University School of Social Work.

I worked for 10 years as a child and family therapist at The Puerto Rican Family Institute, The New York State Psychiatric Institute, Bonnie Brae, and The Wheeler Clinic. I completed two years of training in Structural Family Therapy through the Minuchin Center

At the Wheeler Clinic, I transitioned to a Research Associate position, where I learned how to interpret data from research tools and scholarly articles.

I grew up with parents who cheated, and have written a memoir about it. Click here for an excerpt.

I have been happily married to this guy for 22 years, but it took me being the cheater in several relationships before I was able to commit. We have three kids. I could link to their TikTok accounts but they would sever my fingers for sure.

There is so little written about parental infidelity and children. I will change that.